The Company
Telepresence Research was a California Corporation devoted to the design
and development of virtual environment and remote presence technologies
and applications. The company's basic goal was to create compelling immersive
experiences in remote or synthesized environments. Its primary objectives
To design forms of interactive experience that are engaging, accessible,
and immersive;
To design integrated systems and applications that provide both short-term
product potential and long-term innovation for the telepresence medium;
To develop telepresence technologies with new capabilities and techniques
in hardware, software, design strategies and tools.
The Founders
Scott Fisher, the co- founder
and managing director of Telepresence Research until 1998, is well recognized for
his work as director of the Virtual Environment Workstation (VIEW) Project
at NASA's Ames Research Center where, from 1985 to 1990, he initiated and
directed the development of many key technologies including head-coupled
displays, data-gloves, and 3-D audio technology. Prior to that, Mr. Fisher
served as Research Scientist with the Atari Corporation, and provided consulting
services for many other corporations in the areas of spatial imaging and
interactive display technology. His work has been recognized internationally
in numerous invited presentations, professional publications and by the
popular media. In addition, his stereoscopic imagery and artwork has been
exhibited in the US, Europe and Japan.
Brenda Laurel, was co-founder and also Managing Director of Telepresence Research from 1990 to 1991.
The Markets
There are three primary markets for Telepresence Research:
Clients who require design and technical expertise for the development
of specific applications and installations, product prototypes, and specifications;
Institutions and companies who wish to commission research in telepresence
technology and design areas; and
Institutions and companies who wish to license or sublicense Telepresence
Research's development systems, tools, or intellectual properties.
The Products
The products that Telepresence Research offered included: consulting and
prototype services, technology development, and integrated installations.
Development was focused on five application areas: entertainment, learning
and exploration, training and simulation, scientific visualization, and
remote presence.
The Telepresence Alliance
Telepresence Research formed strategic alliances with internationally
recognized providers in key areas of telepresence technology and design,
and also drew on a team of scientists, artists, and researchers to provide
the best possible resources. State-of-the-art development and demonstration
facilities were located in Beverly Hills and in the San Francisco Bay Area.
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Revised: 12-98